Here at City Impact Church Childcare, we understand the importance of instilling strong values and a love for God in our little ones. We base our curriculum on four main foundations, within these we have a variety of goals that result in learning outcomes. Over time and with guidance and encouragement, our children become increasingly capable of achieving these learning outcomes.
One of our four foundations is Believe in God. Through a range of role modeling, experiences, meaningful conversations, positive child guidance, and the art of storytelling through activities, and mat time sessions, we craft a nurturing environment where every moment is a lesson, and every interaction is an opportunity for growth.
Role Modeling:
We understand that children are keen observers, soaking up the behaviours and attitudes modelled by those around them like eager sponges. Whether it’s patience in the face of frustration or kindness towards peers. Through our actions and reactions, our teachers serve as living examples always enforcing our biblical curriculum.
Learning Experiences:
We love to create as many experiences as possible from sensory play and nature exploration to art projects. Each activity is carefully designed to instill our values and in the hands-on realm of childcare, every moment is an invitation to explore, discover, and learn.
Meaningful Conversations:
We frequently engage children in conversations through open-ended questions, active listening, and respectful exchanges. We love prompting them to express their thoughts and feelings so we can provide reassurance that God loves them and always will, no matter what.
Biblical Curriculum Foundation One – Believe in God
Understand God has created them in His image, and they are chosen by Him!
Knowing that they are special and valuable to God.
Acknowledging that God is their heavenly Father.
Understanding that He desires a relationship with them and wants to be their God and friend.
Experience God’s love.
Understanding that God loves them and always will, no matter what.
Experiencing His presence when they read the Bible, worship and pray to Him.
Understanding that He is always close to them.
Understand God made everything!
Understanding that God is the creator of all creation.
Knowing that God made them and also made everyone else.
Recognising that He gave us creation to help us, to equip us and to enjoy.
Understanding that we have a responsibility to look after His creation.
Learn who God is and His attributes (His character) and what He says about them.
Understanding that God cares about people, that He loves them and has good plans for them Knowing that God is Holy (perfect and good)
Experiencing and knowing that God is All-Powerful.
Understanding that God knows everything.
Recognising that God is faithful (they can trust Him)
Experiencing that God is kind.
Experiencing that God forgives.
Learn who Jesus is and what He did for them.
Understanding that Jesus died on the cross, and rose from the dead.
Knowing that He forgives our sins (wrongdoing) and will always love us no matter what.
Learn who the Holy Spirit is and that He is our helper.
Understanding that the Holy Spirit can help them when they don’t know what to do.
Recognising that the Holy Spirit can give them strength and power to do good things and to believe for miracles.
Our Curriculum Foundations
In addition to Believing in God, our curriculum includes:
Belonging to Gods family: Helping Children Understand Their Place in God’s Loving Community
Building God’s Kingdom: Inspiring children to actively contribute to and participate in their community and the wider world, reflecting God’s love and compassion.
Becoming More Like Jesus: Encouraging children to embody the qualities and teachings of Jesus in their daily lives.
By integrating these foundations into our daily activities, we aim to nurture a deep, enduring faith and a strong sense of belonging in each child. At City Impact Church Childcare, every lesson and interaction are designed to support the spiritual growth and development of our little ones, helping them to understand their place in God’s family and the larger world.